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Apolytares Lighthouse | Antikythera


Apolytares Lighthouse | Antikythera

PriceFrom 100,00 €

Apolytares lighthouse in Antikythera.


The island of Antikythera is almost deserted nowdays with only 17 remaining inhabitants. Once we arrived, we asked the very first local we bumped into which is the easiest access the lighthouse. “Νo, you don't go there! Road is treacherous and there is nobody to help you in case of emergency”. We disobeyed and we went anyway! Offroading with a Fiat 500 can be fun but at some point, it was about to pop the clogs! So, we started hiking down the cliff in pitch darkness hoping we will see the light of the lighthouse soon. The air was still, the ground was barren, it was otherworldly. After one hour or so we reached the lighthouse, standing there lonely at the edge of the island, engulfed by razor sharp rocks. There I witnessed the darkest, most beautiful sky I had ever seen. I could feel part of the universe as the stars surrounded me. Light to dark. Dark to light.

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